[11 / 2 / ?]
>Be Californian >nearby store only has Ben and Jerry's. >Ask for Blue Bell at local store. >SJW's go on rage spree cause they assume Blue Bell is official conservative ice cream. >California Government Boycott Blue Bell cause "Muh Progressivism". >Now everybody protest over State wide Blue Bell Boycott.
>Boycott Lifted.
>Now Jews and Vegans get pissed off cause "Muh Ben and Jerry's". >Accuse store owner of rape. >Blue Bell gets boycotted again. >Boycott lifted after finding out bitch was making some copypasta over how she got raped by Blue Bell Ice cream. > Next day everyone's at the ice cream aisle. >Orders Blue Bell over Kike and Jewwy's. >Wtf.jpeg. >Mfw there was a truck from Orange County that drove thru southern California. >Mfw the salesman was the original store clerk that got the rape accusations. >I got a sample of chocolate Chip Cookie Dough for free. >It was delicious
>Boycott Lifted.
>Now Jews and Vegans get pissed off cause "Muh Ben and Jerry's". >Accuse store owner of rape. >Blue Bell gets boycotted again. >Boycott lifted after finding out bitch was making some copypasta over how she got raped by Blue Bell Ice cream. > Next day everyone's at the ice cream aisle. >Orders Blue Bell over Kike and Jewwy's. >Wtf.jpeg. >Mfw there was a truck from Orange County that drove thru southern California. >Mfw the salesman was the original store clerk that got the rape accusations. >I got a sample of chocolate Chip Cookie Dough for free. >It was delicious