>>345623Of course, I'm not letting a woman poke holes in my condom get pregnant blackmail me with abortion get an abortion anyways having a doctor kill her own child with money from a tax base I contribute to blame me for being unhappy at the death of my child forbid me from telling anyone about any of it blackmail me with rape charges if I do bring up rape charges anyways when we break up get a feminist judge and typical 'moderate' jury with one stronk empowered SJW get 20 years in prison and on sex offender registry for having protected sex with a woman and being sad my kid died
It's not personal, women, just...no thanks. Whatever your personality is, there are plenty of histrionic women out there who can emulate it well enough to fool me. Lots of them are smarter than I am yet also completely emotionally retarded and outright evil, and they don't even have to be smarter than me in the first place to trick me, because women already have more sections on average of their brains devoted to things like reading and emulating tones of voice and facial expressions than men do.
No sir I think I'll live out my life alone enjoying the wide range of niche erotica the internet has to offer.
Also you shouldn't get paid as much as I do if I work in a more demanding career, and men on average working in more demanding careers also does not entitle you to more money for being a fucking florist or whatever, piss off, rreeeee