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Random anon blog post

No.3465188 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have been a lazy neet most of live and got my first job of age 25. I've made progress within my life, people noticed I have gotten healthier and more active but it's just isn't enough. I hate this system, I hate every single thing about the system and the rulebook society has set up for us. I will never admit anything of it is natural, from the way we force children to exceede beyond their expections just so we can prepare them for the hard life of adulthood where you spend most of your life working like a drone. What's left we have our weekends where we spend them consuming alcohol and drugs and fornicate proving that we are nothing but a bunch of animals. To what end are we doing this? What is this self improvement you niggers at sig generals talk about, when deep down everything from the core is corrupt. I hate it, I hate all of it where my life is now, I hate the narcissism of todays people, nothing matters but themselves, their image, their life, they will never bother to maintain higher values that makes us more than just a mere man. I'm tired of neetdom, and I'm hell as tired of wageslavery, I don't want to "gitgud" as a chad would put it. I will never be happy in this system, I gotta leave, I gotta start over. I'm going to siberia man, or alaska to be one with the nature. I'm leaving you pieces of shits, Im leaving the internet. Go fuck yourselves.