>>39361Nothing Bethesda has ever worked on is good. They just happen to have an autistic fanbase that rabidly defends them for whatever they do. The other anon right, their games are shit. Fallout 4 is objectively the worst Fallout with 3 being right next to BoS in terms of awfulness.
Skyrim is a dumb down """"open"""" ""RPG'" that is incredibly uninteresting and lacks any real worthwhile gameplay or story. Oblivion is slightly better than it but not by much. Morrowind is probably the only decent thing they have ever made but that isn't saying much.
As for COD2, it was basically MW series with an older coat of paint to it. Did literally nothing amazing or worthwhile in an era of WW2 shooters, and there were a fuckton of them when it came out. MOH:A did it much better.
UT2K4 is a solid game, but not better than 99 so I agree. Its the last good UT game out there while a very tiny but still active player base.