>>3559412You need to realize that black men in the past years and now in 2018 fuck white girls by the dozens, most pathetic racists try to deny it, or rationalize it, but its happening on a much wider scale.
It's true, none of you will ever have children, but if you did, your daughter would get blacked, time to get used to that, this isn't even kekold shit, it's just reality.
Yeah sure, maybe she marries a white guy, but inbetween she will get fucked by black cock, the old ways of 'hurr durr, she better not have sex once with a black....", forget that, majority of white girls try black cock at one time or another, you will have to share a girl with black cock but most of you won't get laid so whatever.
Black men are superior to the white race, white race is awkward, fap to 'hentai', semi-gay (read roman history) and very feminine.
Most traps are white, brazilian, and asian. Black men are alpha men and they are fucking white pure Nordic and American women daily and there is absolutely nothing you pathetic tiny kek racists can do about it save cry yourself to sleep.
>"m-muh day of the r-rope! k-kill all racetraitors"Never gonna happen. Besides, America is a Judaized and negrified nation, accept and embrace your fate, breed out the mental anti-social genetics that exist in your inferior white genetic code.
Black men have healthy DNA, we all came from Africa originally