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121KiB, 1500x800, fergie-was-the-mastermind-behind-milf-money-music-video-social.jpg
Quoted By: >>3567460
"What's the matter honey? Oh! I see you filled your diaper anon!"
"Dont cry, it's just a little bit of milk! Did you know that when you are ready to have children your peepee makes white stuff? When your balls get big and full, your little nuts start hurting. We can make sure that doesn't happen if you start pulling down your pants for mommy. Okay?"
"What's the matter honey? Oh! I see you filled your diaper anon!"
"Dont cry, it's just a little bit of milk! Did you know that when you are ready to have children your peepee makes white stuff? When your balls get big and full, your little nuts start hurting. We can make sure that doesn't happen if you start pulling down your pants for mommy. Okay?"