[6 / 3 / ?]
/bant/ is a neurotypical board. No mental illness allowed. This includes
>anxiety disorders
>personality disorders
>gender identity disorders
>antisocial disorders
>porn addiction
>being an attention whore
>nonconsensual asexuality
>becoming bisexual to increase your chances of losing your virginity (and still failing)
>CUPD (chronic unengaging posts disorder)
If any of these apply to you, you know where you belong
>anxiety disorders
>personality disorders
>gender identity disorders
>antisocial disorders
>porn addiction
>being an attention whore
>nonconsensual asexuality
>becoming bisexual to increase your chances of losing your virginity (and still failing)
>CUPD (chronic unengaging posts disorder)
If any of these apply to you, you know where you belong