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ID:lPtQK4Bu No.3603863 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You know, /bant/ is kinda like Billy Mays. It's loud, obnoxious and people are trying to create or 'Advertise' Memes.
But theres one thing Billy Mays did that /bant/ can't and won't be able to do: contributing to our society.
You wanna know why? It's because this board is full of autistic weeb faggots who aren't even able to keep a meme up for more than a day.
You are just recycling the same stuff over and over and and you don't even think of creationg something original.
You idiots can't even do something somewhat noticeable. You should just leave this webside and kill yourselves.
Now if you would excuse me, I will go back to /pol/ where people are not only loud and obnoxious, but are also trying to do something for the greater good, something you basement dwellers will never be able to do.
I hope that next time you try to post the same garbage again, you will think of /pol/ and start crying because you will never be on the same interllectual level as them.
But before I go I will give you some advice considering that you can even understand what I'am saying.
Be like Billy Mays, be Original.