[6 / 5 / ?]
/bant/ is shit now.
With all these faggots not knowing what the fuck /a/ or /jp/ is, this board has become the SFW copy of /b/ -> dumped with the same shit over and over again, making the supposed randomness unfindable.
But the worst fucking thing are the modfags.
A few days ago I got banned for... well okay, it was a justifyable ban, I asked for dox... but yesterday seemed to be the day freedom of speech was annihilated by the banning of many anons posting their hatred against the retards I've already mentioned.
>Where's that Albanian spamming hero gone?
>Where are the radical anti-an*Me Americucks gone?
>Where's my fellow German with his spamming gone?
>Where are the radical anti-an*Me Brits gone?
>Where's the cool Romanian gone?
You can't tell me they've all decided to abandon /bant/ all of a sudden.
And you further can't argument by claiming 4chan was an anime image board. That's for sure the site's origin but don't you fucking see that rectangular shape in the top left corner where you can choose your board?
>You can interprerate this thread the way you like, I don't give a shit for now. I'm taking a break from this f/a/ggotry going on right here and move to other boards for a while.
>I'm sure the thread will die quickly (either because you weebs don't accept my point of view or because an unprofessional modfag decides to turn the "International/Random" board into a crappy fusion of /a/ and /jp/) but it's for all those wanting to read the opinion of a retard not obsessed with mainstream an*Me shit.
Thanks for your attention.
With all these faggots not knowing what the fuck /a/ or /jp/ is, this board has become the SFW copy of /b/ -> dumped with the same shit over and over again, making the supposed randomness unfindable.
But the worst fucking thing are the modfags.
A few days ago I got banned for... well okay, it was a justifyable ban, I asked for dox... but yesterday seemed to be the day freedom of speech was annihilated by the banning of many anons posting their hatred against the retards I've already mentioned.
>Where's that Albanian spamming hero gone?
>Where are the radical anti-an*Me Americucks gone?
>Where's my fellow German with his spamming gone?
>Where are the radical anti-an*Me Brits gone?
>Where's the cool Romanian gone?
You can't tell me they've all decided to abandon /bant/ all of a sudden.
And you further can't argument by claiming 4chan was an anime image board. That's for sure the site's origin but don't you fucking see that rectangular shape in the top left corner where you can choose your board?
>You can interprerate this thread the way you like, I don't give a shit for now. I'm taking a break from this f/a/ggotry going on right here and move to other boards for a while.
>I'm sure the thread will die quickly (either because you weebs don't accept my point of view or because an unprofessional modfag decides to turn the "International/Random" board into a crappy fusion of /a/ and /jp/) but it's for all those wanting to read the opinion of a retard not obsessed with mainstream an*Me shit.
Thanks for your attention.