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This happened to me just this afternoon. I was going to make a thread about it, but forgot, and this seems like an appropriate place
>be me (No tard, I just fucked up)
>go in for a check up on a medical research trial I'm participating in
>after lunch, have to pee
>all the bathrooms are locked in the research complex
>you need a key from an office to get in
>I'm shy, fuck it, I'll just hold it
>go in for my check up
>"before we take your blood and assess your progress, we need a urine sample"
>get the key and go out to the hall
>fight with the lock for a good five minutes to get it open
>get the "is he dumb" look from passing doctor as I struggle
>fuck I got excited about getting to pee and now the fucking door is locked
>go back to the office in discomfort and defeat
>nurse goes haha yeah that happens sometimes, just use our office bathroom
>awesome lets open the flood gates
>this bathroom is tiny, like broom closet size
>I'm SO ready take this piss
>think to myself: gee, I'm about to piss so much I better release most of the pressure, then pinch it and put the cup under so I don't overflow
>execute my plan
>piss my guts out, but I'm careful to make sure I still have some left
>the seconds tick pass
>feels about ready
>pinch dick and put cup beneath
>steady, steady
>three fucking drops of piss drip in. I'm dry
>I'm a clever one, so I instantly forumlated a plan
>dip cup into the toilet bowl and scoop in a buch of pissy toilet water
>now the cup is nasty on the outside, no problem, just wash it in the sink
>use their paper towels to dry off the cup
>better flush these towels so they don't wonder why there is so many in the trash can (it started empty)
>now these are thick towels
>clogs toilet
>user plunger and flush again
>water level gets higher, it did nothing
>at that point it had been quite a while since I went in, so I just gave up and sheepisly turned in the sample
The End