>>3646876Most Americans "white" have strange facial features such as flat head, short and wide skull, broad and flat nose, small eyes, thick lips (Look in negroid lips Darren wilson police), dental arch Negroid or Mongoloid ...
The Census in the US is a complete farce, which is why I have no faith that the American white people is 63 percent, the numbers are less than 20%, in my opinion, they constantly mix Mongrels with western population white American Royal.
Whites are already minority in the US
When you add 30 million illegal immigrants and their anchor babies, and all Middle Eastern people who are considered caucasion, but not Hispanic, along with all enties of mixed-race who identifies as white
(people like Rob schinider
, Miley Cyrus , Mark-Paul Gosselaar, liv tayler , Cameron dias , Chris Weidman, ronda rousey,
Freddie Prinze Jr. (puerto rican father), sarah palin, mily Fergie, Edward Furlong, Wentworth Miller, chad murray, etc etc etc) .
Even within the American WN There are several mestizos:
Patrick Chouinard ,Andrew Anglin, Rodney Martin, Kyle Rogers, Andrew Auernheimer, mat parrot, joe sobran, Lincoln Rockwell Gordon Baum and Matthew Heimbach are some examples!
Many other things indicate nonwhite ancestry, as undershot, extremely broad noses, the epicanthal bending, flat faces, curly or very curly hair or straight hair too thick and dark, large Negroid-esque lips, thick eyelids, very large apples face, and yellowish skin, among others.