>>365430>be me, athletic, intelligent, knowledgeable in three languages>civil engineer for a few years, with masters degree in one of the best Brazilian universities>have a shitty job as structural "engineer" that pays me less than what toilet cleaners in the first world make>can't get a better job here because the economy is in shambles>can't get a job in the first world because it's a licensed profession and engineers become taxi drivers in the first world>been like this since 2014>try to talk with someone about it>"hurrr could be worse. At least you have a job" / "You should be glad with how LUCKY you are"They just don't get it. I actually worked to get scholarships, worked my ass off and did everything right instead of just being a lazy slob. I never had some rich parents to get me into a good company.
In a few years I will be 30, having achieved nothing because of this shit place.