Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[13 / 8 / ?]

ID:RSLgaC7a No.3661182 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We are a group of anonymous 4channers from /biz/ who need you. We are a pump community called Binance Crypto Pump and we want to pump coins so that all in the group can win. Too many other Pump groups on discord have corrupt staff, which give whales foreknowledge of coin picks for bribes, as well as show partiality to friends, we will NOT do this, what matters most to us is that we ALL make money and nobody within the group is screwed over. While we're still starting out, soon we will blow up and those who join early will gain special privileges, we will begin doing raffles in the range of $100-$1000 once we reach 1000 members, so the sooner you join the sooner you can enter and with less competition. It's time for the downtrodden and pink wojak'd anons to rise up, it is time for us to become the heads of the pyramid. Join us now at https://discord gg/jyXQBd3 (add the period)


TLDR; >$100-$1000 raffles >Pumping coins to make a 30%-150% profit in seconds
>Fair and transparent ranking, hard work WILL be rewarded
>general crypto chat, speculations, and predictions
>binance related news and chat
>the staff WILL UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES accept bribes for foreknowledge of coin picks
>the only way to gain ranks is to earn it, we will not be partial to friends or whales
>over 500 members in 2 days