>>3673112kekd i was talking about your mental health
i had a really fucking strong crush on a classmate
whenwe were fresh meats she was into me hard, but i was to shy/ too much into vidya, and when hormones started to kick in, and puberty hit me i fell in love, but she didnt care anymore
there was a time when i dreamt about her and in the dream we had a nice little relationship, actually what i desired the most deep down, ive never felt more sad than waking up that morning
but she left our school bc she wanted to focus on working and go to night-school
since she left the love faded away, and im fine now, i even met her once randomly in the metro, had a good talk, and since that meetup i feel even better
if you start to delete all of the pics over time, i promise you that you will get better and eventually forget