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ID:on0C5kt1 No.3676702 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
retarded elementary school stories, everyone.

>be me, third grade, around 8 or so
>playtime on playground
>me and friends find a girls notebook and writing utensils
>take sharpie
>didn't know what graffiti was back then and didn't know i couldn't write on things
>literally write "anon was here" on all playground equipment
>teacher reads it like a day after
>get called into principals
>one friend was absent, so only the two of us (fucker didn't even get punished)
>i'm literally shaking because first ever principal visit
>he makes us feel like shit and tells us what graffiti is
>makes us follow him outside and erase it with a pencil eraser
>mfw it was dismissal time and i got to go right home
>mfw he had to stay for 45 extra minutes to clean it up with only a pencil eraser
>mfw he later left the school because of cancer