>>3693942Shut it idiot leaf no one cares. Go out and lower your taxes oh wait you won't you like being ruled faggot. You like the way the wealthy distributes evenly through out Canada in terms of Healthcare. Except, now the gov gets choose who lives and Who dies. How?
"I have heart problem plz help no monies"
-Canada gov" Sure come on in we will let you see someone right away"
"Gee Canada Single payer is grrreeat!"
-Canada Gov Doctor "hmm seems to be worse than though you néed new heart right away 150k, but no payment from you cuz Canada"
"Omg no way yayy! OK let's do it"
-Canada Gov "ok I will see you in 11months for operation"
"But u said I need it ASAP?"
-Canada Gov " Well others need one to Gosh wait your turn you ungrateful spas, go have the surgery in USA if you want because you probably going to have to as you will be gone in 1month, so if you got da money of course go do it ahahaha"
"OK USA here I come! Mixed Capitalistic economy is great Canada sucks I wish they had a free Healthcare market!"