The way it goes in my part of AZ and for parts of western NM, is if you are above 4,500ft (1372m) you are no longer in low desert, you are now in chaparral or high desert and so the fauna changes to different kinds of cacti, and if you are above 7,000ft (2100m) you are mostly in alpine high country and there are no longer any cacti. AZ and NM are lands of extreme geographic diversity depending specifically on elevation. I'm at 3,510ft (1060m) and have 8,000ft (2400m) mountains 6 miles south of me, so driving from where I'm at to the top of that mountain goes from Saguaro cacti and prickly pears to Alpine forests of Ponderosa pines and white firs. Pic related is at 3,500ft (1060m), next pic will be at 6,500ft (1980m).