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ID:/+LBs48o No.3717889 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>faggots LARPing with each other as gay anime girls
>/r9k/ refugees bitching about how pathetic their life is
>other /r9k/ refugees lusting after traps because they don't know how to talk to real girls
>autistic frogposters refusing to go back to their shithole
>cirnocunts bumping threads for over two weeks while also LARPing as gay anime girls in their Discord
>and a stream of crappy topics not worth posting in
>the "official" tan of this board is a low-effort trash design that almost all drawfags in /co/ and /i/ and /ie/ refuse to include her in any board-tan drawings

I might as well leave this place for good. I've been patient for months since the glorious Yellowposting came around, but that has died while Cirnofags and other pretentious animefag still act like they own the place.

Goodbye, faggots. The only people I'll ever miss are Tunisia Jiburi, Hezpoland, Demon Dice Brit, the >butthurt zionist shill Brit, and Niceland. I would also mention Starposter, but he has left a long time ago.