>>3721211We killed like 200,000 Filipinos after cleaning up the mess after the Spanish-American war (most of our atrocious wars started from fucked up colonials fucking stuff up and leaving)
Japs deserved the nukes idgaf, killed about 1 million Japanese total including 200,000 killed from both nukes
after both world wars then came Korea (this time it was a mess that Imperial Japan left behind and the Communists got involved to and it became a war between Communists and the US vying for control of the Korean Peninsula, still ongoing technically) roughly 1-2 million killed total
then came Vietnam (this time we inherited the mess that the French left behind and got carried away with it) killed about 1.5-3 million Vietnamese wounded millions more
then came our first forays into the middle east with the Iran-Iraq war, the Gulf war, then after 9/11 came the 2003 invasion and complete destruction of Iraq and subsequent rebuilding of it in US-style, the war on terror in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Lebanon, and Libya, and Syria, ongoing in Iraq as well, and even US deployments to parts of central and eastern Africa as well. Combined from all these is over 1 million killed.