>>3734164Hahahaha, you don't get it, do you?
This whole board is nothing but shit - its the literal cuckold/pol/ for cuckolds on cuckold/chan/ who never heard the Seven Steps and don't even realize it.
This board is the corpse of something that was once pretty cool, but now is nothing but edgy non-White tweens and redditors circle-jerking over the same dozen template threads.
>sex bot threads>race-mixing threads>cuckoldry threads>womyn/MGTOW threads>kike threads (against and made by - same thing either way)etc etc
>>3734165That's not an option unless you have no self respect whatsoever - whicih, given you're from Cuck Isle, is pretty much to be expected.
>le 52% memePost your hand, palm down. ;^)