>>3741320Well, at least try some of those things and you'll certainly see a change in your life
I also missed some stuff, don't get your advice from the designated 4chan boards
/mu/ is full of people shilling for terrible music
/fit/ is full of SQUATZ AND OATZ memes
/lit/ is a bunch of arrogant assholes, just read whatever you want
DON'T GO INTO /pol/, the board is satire, don't let them fool you.
Porn is bad for you, it's the visual equivalent of heroin.
Don't use drugs as an escape, not even harmless stuff like weed, it will kill your last drop of self-steem
Your mouth preaches reality, if you say you'll die alone you'll die alone. If you say you'll be okay you'll be okay.
Stand in front a mirror and do a superhero pose, then talk about something you know a lot about to yourself, helps boost confidence.
Shower, clean your home, cook better meals, these three will give you a feel of comfyness, even if you suck at first.
And remember, do things you enjoy, if you don't know then try something, right now I'm studying german and maybe I'll try french once I'm done with it.
That's all I can think of right now, godspeed anon