>>3743021So basically things go like this.
Socialist party (red plague) has as leader Dragnea (pic related). The government is mostly socialist (there is also ALDE, but they the autistic slave of the socialists).
If the party wants something, the government must obey otherwise they have to step down.
The party is no more democratic but ruled by one dick face in pic related. So in essence, if the leader decides he wants to take it down, he takes it down.
Dragnea is slave to the russians because they gave him lots of hidden money. How does one know that?
-he wants romania to establish economic relations with russia
-he has houses in brasil
-he never had a job with an income more than 1000 euros/month
He is also slave to the jews.
Putin has these advisers, jews, that helped Dragnea and his party to win the parliment.
About the hang the hungarian meme, he did not mean to hang no one. He said that that flag won`t hang up there. It was said in a way that could be easily taken out of context.
Since your Orban regime does in fact want to promote tensions between our two countries, your media (servant to Orban) took it out of context. From there the shit storm.