>>40592>PortugueseYour language is exactly what down syndrome people sound like when they speak Spanish, it sounds pathetically disgusting and dumb, as soon as you teach portuguese to a child you make it impossible for his IQ to rise above 90, it is disgusting and you all sound like the fucking monkeys that you are, but even worst than portuguese from Portugal, is your retarded faggot accent, you Brazilian sub-human, people who haven't heard you chimpanzees won't understand, but your accent makes it sound like you're in complete shock and awe at everything you see, it makes any human being who is not a mulatto favela dwelling monkey like you want to rip their ears off, and let's not even talk about historical significance
Actually let's do it, there is no language more despicable than portuguese not only because it is an ugly and deformed version of Spanish, but also because it is completely fucking dull and nothing is respectable about it, NOBODY has ever written anything important or interesting in your insignificant language, if anyone wants to learn portuguese i only have 3 possible reasons i can come up with that would justify their decision:
1)They are mentally retarded
2)They want to be able to understand the half-breed Brazilians who will rape them and kill them when they go to any Brazilian shithole of a city
3)Or they want to read fucking 15th century maps,nothing else of significance was created in this ugly collection of guttural sounds
That's all that there is to your ugly stupid language, and just know, that you will live your entire life, speaking in that disgusting mistake of a tongue, and you should kill yourself because of it.
I hate Brazilians so fucking much