Woah guys wow holy shit
>be me, 17
>beta as fuck
>the chads think it would be funny to invite me to one of their parties
>i go, cuz why not
>FF to party
>everyone's hammered
>qt3.14 stumbles toward me, clearly drunk
>we start to talk, mostly drunk slurred speech
>the time has come
>she stops talking, just stares at me
>she grabs my hand and we go upstairs
>we fuck
>my drunk self forgot a condom
>leave, plan on never talking to her again
>next day someone's at the door
>it's her
>i know what she's going to say
>"I'm pregnant."
>stand there thinking for a bit
>decide fuck it, I'm gonna raise this kid
>"listen we're gonna make this work ok? I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you"