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/bant/ Elections - Coalition Edition

ID:t0OBsxJX No.375339 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
These were the final results. The National /bant/er Union won the election, with 145 votes. The BOP came in a close second, and far behind were the RCS, ARM and BPMP. Voter turnout was 71%. Because no one party got more than 50% of the vote, now will begin the process of forming a coalition that will lead the first government of /bant/. The debate will occur in this thread.

To form a coalition you would need more than 50% of the vote. Here's how we will do this- I have come up with a parliament where representatives are assigned proportionally based on their vote totals. You can claim a member of parliament by putting a name and party in the name field. We obviously won't have enough people here to fill all seats in parliament, so it will be implied that the rest of the "non-player" members will be in agreement with the players of their party. Then the task of negotiating a coalition government will begin, and we can hammer out the details in this thread. We need people from across the spectrum, and even the smaller parties can be major players in this process, though I will say the ARM are shit out of luck.

Once we have a government we can form a cabinet. Then we can begin autistically creating, debating and imposing legislation for the board, and do a bunch of other autistic funstuff that will inevitably get way out of hand and piss off the small population of retards on this board.