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ID:8FBR2jRu No.3757581 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
El goblino has come a long way since his humble origins before he was but a lowly mockery of the American breeding fault soon he realized the true potential of indiscriminate muttness, he embraced it and gradually watched his white index drop, each time growing more and more grotesque but at the same time more powerful, the tipping point of Le 1% was clearly a high achievement but it was only a passing percentile in the way to Le 0%, what the goblino realized onced he achieved this status is that for him was now possible pushing even further below, -1% was thus born by sheer force of unholy will alone but it did not stop there no, the goblino was consumed by an insatiable desire to descend into the realm of all consuming darkness, what future endeavor would el goblino even perpetrate? are we really prepared to understand the thought process of something that discarded it's humanity for absolute obscurity both of mind and body? time will tell i am sure of that, but el goblino probably has managed to acquire the means of escaping time itself by then.