>>3776333americans are all insane. but not like "america is culturally foul" i think there is some actual measurable mental illness present in such a large proportion of americans that it can be said to be without meaningful exception. even online with how insane it usually is anyway, you see that australians and canadians and europeans can be rude or mean, but are generally not delusional and follow clear lines of thought when pressed on why they do the things they do. americans, though, are always going on about weird conspiracies, and then end up chopping their dicks off or making youtubes about chasing orbs of light at spillways, and just generally being paranoid schizophrenics or having formal thought disorders or being borderline or w/e
I think it's why groups like modern antifa and blm and stuff exist too, they're obviously crazy people but when every american apparently has crazy paranoia and is literally unable to form a coherent thought, these groups can form and survive and thrive. even something like ISIS or Al-Qaeda will blow up a shop to make a point, it says "we can bomb stuff and you can't stop it; so follow our demands, or get fucking bombed". american commies and antifa and alt-right pepe worshippers and shit just kinda go hit trucks with bats because they got triggered, and then proceed to wander out into traffic and get hit by cars (or, sometimes, by the same car they hit with a bat)
i fucking hate americans and unironically genuinely believe that they cannot be reasoned with. they are subhuman, in a way