>>382485Why do women have so much MY BODY MY CHOICE about their sanitation products? To say nothing of the unorganized clusterfuck that is makeup. Please stick to just a few different types of things in a few different types of brands to catch your uteral shed, and a maximum of three brands/varieties/sizes of pee catchers and diapers, also please stop buying the products of 80% of cosmetic companies so most of them will get consolidated or go out of business. Just have mercy already. Also stop enjoying so many different flavors of deodorant and perfume.
- t. overworked HBA stocker
P.S. PLS. The back room is buried in 9000 types of piss pads, just pls contact the hivemind and decide on just one or two brands of these things to buy, HOW MUCH CAN YOU EVEN POSSIBLY PISS YOURSELVES IN ONE DAY, STOPPIT RRRRREEEEEEEE
P.P.S. Stop giving me dirty looks when I'm stocking your hygiene products while you browse them, without me you'd have no tampons and be forced to gb2kitchen or whatever the feminists say will happen if HBA stuff gets taxed or whatever