>>3809082>>3809117We've had a few polls over the months, and I'm pretty sure the average age is generally late 20's to mid 30's. Granted straw polls aren't the most reliable census, but I can't really think of a better way to find out. I'm sure there are some children on here, but they aren't the majority.
While I can't speak for /bant/, I know that a lot of us who came to /bant/ when it was new are refugees from /pol/, and saw it as a place where we could have all the fun parts of /pol/ without all the bullshit that comes with it. We quickly found that when you take the politics out of the international banter, people stop taking things so serious, and stop getting so damn angry all the time.
tl;dr: We're mostly around 30ish, but got tired of the internet actually being serious business, and act silly like we did back when the internet was serious business."