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Strong Womyn Love Me... pls help.

No.3848523 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Early 30s
>Own business
>No drugs or alcohol
>8/10 looks
>Excellent social skills
>Independently wealthy
>Look young for age
>Consistently attract good looking women that are completely insane feminists with earthy neo-hippy lifestyles but certainly not smelly dred locks or short hair

Wtf is wrong with me /pol/?
I cleaned my fuckin room... did everything I was suppose to and the only girls I consistently attract are nut job nature pathic granola eaters.... they are hot but what am I doing wrong?
Are my pheromones off?
Am I a forever beta in an alpha's body and women can see the mark?
I always percieved myself as very masculine man's man but I'm starting to wonder...
Anyone else have this problem?