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Barely tried it on an emulator. I grew up with Link to the Past but never beat it (I always missed what I was supposed to do next, and did stuff like traversimg the entire overworld to find what I was supposed to do and have no clue what I was doing. Tried it probably a hundred times but never got passed maybe the third dungeon in the Dark World.) I didn't really play many Zelda games otherwise - Phantom Hourglass, Wind Waker, Oracle of Seasons, maybe one other - but I never beat any of them bar Phantom Hourglass. They just never click with me, and I never care about them enough to complete. Phantom Hourglass is the exception because it felt pretty straightforward. I thought Wind Waker would be the same, but it gets perpetually less intuitive as it goes along, and I'm completely lost in it and don't remember what to do next (and the dumb dragon boat just keeps repeating something about focusing on my foes, or something. Doesn't really help me along.)
So no, and sorry about /blog/