Hey /bant/, lets play RISK. 1. The rules are simple, first state your: NATION NAME (note: please make this interesting, something like Empire of Westeros is a good name) COLOUR WHERE on the map you would like to START. WHERE you want your CAPITAL city. 2. The number you roll determines how many territories you claim in that round 1, 2, 3: 5 territories 4, 5, 6: 10 territories 7, 8, 9: 15 territories 0 : 20 territories 00, 50: 40 territories 000 : 60 territories By default, you tend to claim unclaimed territories before you take over them from other nations. 3. You win when you invade all the capitals of all the other nations. Each additional capital you own gives you +5 territory gain per round. Nations still exist when their capitals are taken, and can take them back. 4. Your country can spread by sea over the dotted lines (see map) 5. Each round you roll STATE YOUR NAME so I know who to credit territories to. 6. You can have one action per round, and the game commences when 4 countries are founded With all this said, lets begin.
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883279 Name: Emu Empire
Colour: Blue
Place: ACT Canberra
Quoted By:
>>3883286 Great start, welcome to the game!
You rolled a 6 so you gain 10 territories
The game will begin when 3 more players join
Cape Commune Red The Cape of Good hope (obviously)
Quoted By:
>>3883299 A well defended starting position, welcome.
The game will begin when 2 more players join
Quoted By:
>>3883313 Welcome! Note your capital is in the rightmost province the square is located on the map (where helsinki would be irl)
The game will begin when 1 more player joins
>>3883335 Welcome, I like your name choice!
Let the games begin! Each country gets one roll per turn, and each turn begins when a new map is posted.
Oda Shogunate
>>3883355 Fill Japan, spills go into korea
>>3883355 Take the rest of Suomi for Gondola land!
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883355 Roll to take Queensland and NT
>>3883355 mozambique, spills into madagascar plz bb
>>3883357 >>3883361 >>3883365 >>3883366 I'm sorry Gondola Land, hopefully your rolls improve :(
next round bois
Quoted By:
>>3883357 >>3883365 >>3883366 Reminder for OP to specify your country to make it easier for him to know who you are
Oda Shogunate
Quoted By:
>>3883376 Fill Korea and spill out into manchuria
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3883376 Roll to take south america
Quoted By:
>>3883376 Take Sweden, the spills go to Norway.
Gondolan Scandinavia!
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3883376 (I am cape commune daddy)
fill up madagascar and into the rest of rhodesia
PooPoopsPlan Greenland Green
Quoted By:
>>3883388 Can i bee in canada?
In greenland i'm too close to the brown man :'(
Quoted By:
>>3883376 KARA BOGA
Welcome new players, here is the updated map. let the new round begin
Quoted By:
>>3883434 Take Sweden for Gondola land!
Oda Shogunate
>>3883434 fill the balkans, fuck wh*teoids
Cape Commune
>>3883434 (still cape commune)
congo wongo spills north north norht
Quoted By:
>>3883434 The PPP expands to the south
(I want my capital protected incase anyone comes from the south)
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883434 Emu Empire: Roll to expand northward
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>3883434 M8
Why don't you change black for another colour? It's hard to see if near the see
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883454 North from Australia
Oda Shogunate
>>3883454 >>3883458 Alliance? I don't need to fight over control of the pacific when we can both take the americas.
I changed KARA BOGA's colour to gray to make it more legible, sorry if you really liked the gray Next go
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883480 you are forgiven, wh*teoid
fill syria, spill rest of middle east
Cape Commune
>>3883480 east coast plz my main man, I am avoid south america
Cape Commune
Oda Shogunate
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3883480 Emu Empire: Roll to take more of south america
>>3883480 Gondola land will push into Russia!
>>3883480 Thx for the colour change
I'd like to keep expanding to get more coverture for my capital
Gondola land, want an aliance? We both can take the artic and give war to the southerns
>>3883503 An alliance would be nice! More friends to be /comfy/ with!
Quoted By:
>>3883465 Why do you want the americas? :'(
I like your empire and don't want to fight with you
If we ally we can dominate the world from side to side
Cape Commune
>>3883490 alright cunt, everyone else is friends, how doth that sound?
Quoted By:
>>3883520 Great m8
If the javs join us, we already won the game
Quoted By:
>>3883533 good
even some white bois are worthy
>>3883500 Gondola rolled an 00 and gained 40t! Impressive
Next Round
Quoted By:
>>3883558 fill the rest of arabia
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883558 Emu Empire: Roll to take NZ spills go to rest of Aus
Quoted By:
>>3883558 Marching west from my capital
Need it protected... I see atacks incoming
If get a good roll, march to alaska
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3883558 Continue to fill Russia, our goal is mongolia
Gondola land will into Fingolia
Oda Shogunate
Quoted By:
>>3883558 Fill Kamchaka and secure alaska
Quoted By:
>>3883606 Push for Mongolia!
The gondolas will recreate Fingolia!
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3883606 Emu Empire: Fill NZ spills go to rest of Aus
Quoted By:
>>3883606 Fill Yugoslavia, spills italy
>>3883606 Ok then...
The PPP gets ready to fight and leads to alaska
Oda Shogunate
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3883606 sudan and the CHAD republic plz daddy and west more
Quoted By:
>>3883613 Why am i always getting 3s? T.T
WAR! Gondola invaded all of mongolia. However Oda managed to regain half back
Quoted By:
Oda Shogunate
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3883641 the rest of sudan and leave egypt alone, then WEST WEST WEST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quoted By:
>>3883641 I want to get all alaska for me
Get the yellow fags out of there
If i get a good roll, fill some canada
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883641 Emu Empire: take Tasmania spills go north to the islands above AUs
>>3883614 creating a buffer in case Gondola tries to go south Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>3883681 Attack Mongolia! Keep attacking! Gondolas will retake Mongolia for Fingolia!
Oda Shogunate
Quoted By:
>>3883681 Defend Mongolia, spills expand into siberia
Cape Commune
>>3883681 the rest of west africa, spills into brazil, leave bnorth africa thank thank thank
Cape Commune
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883681 Emu Empire: take islands north of Aus
>>3883644 see
>>3883653 Oda Shogunate
Quoted By:
>>3883681 Ok, now it's turn to pay my debts
PPP soldier go into a rape invasion of the northern shogunate
Go into yellow territories in russia (only attacking the shogunate, i dom't want to invade neutral territories)
NOTICE: new players can still join, we have 4 open spaces! Next round
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883752 Emu Empire: Take more of south africa heading towards Brazil
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3883758 South America****
Oda Shogunate
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3883752 Continue to push into Mongolia, spills into a continuous attack against the Shogunate
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3883762 fucking shtitting hek
Quoted By:
>>3883752 Keep rape in the shogunape
You will regret stepping into my dear alaska
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3883761 >1 fuck this is hard to watch
>>3883770 You go next, unless you want to sign a NAP, remember he isn't your ally after all
If i was Oda I would maybe be thinking about a peace treaty with one or more other countries.
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Cape Commune
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3884247 (and also west africa)
Oda Shogunate
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3883908 Emu Empire: Push North of Aus
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 16:31:46 No. 3884257 Report Quoted By:
>>3883908 Poorspic Confederation
Roll to fill Mexico
>>3883908 Push trough japan's northern islands to let brown go to japan through korea
>>3884246 Do you want his capital? I'll let it to you in signal of apretiation of our alliance
>>3884245 South america is your if you want it
But you can't cross the panama's shortcut (or however is called that thing that allows to cross america in a boat)
But din't go for the north hemisfere, its ours
And i don't know if my man has something else to add
Quoted By:
>>3883908 May I join?
>portugal >purple >portugal CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884277 All I want is Mongolia, anything else is just a bonus, you can take his capital
>>3884284 Gr8 m8
>>3884285 Ok
So... I take his capital while you push china from the west and i do it from the east to kill the shogunate
After that i'll have to deal with stuff over the seas
Are you ok with it?
Quoted By:
>>3884307 Long life to the Empire of Fingolia
Welcome new players! I am going to give new players 2 more rounds of immunity (meaning no invading or being invaded for 2 more turns.) Gondola, do you want to continue invading past Mongolia? You havn't been specifying so extra territories have been going to added from neutral
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 16:43:57 No. 3884319 Report Quoted By:
>>3884314 Finish Mexico, spill carribean islands and central america
Quoted By:
>>3884314 After I take Mongolia, I'll start pushing into China
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884314 Emu Empire: Attack Cape Commune and push into africa
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884321 RIP emus
Died to a bunch of niggers
>>3884314 I want to invade all japan and take shogunate's capital if possible
And if a good roll enough to have extra territory after that i'd like to defend a bit more my capitall for the south... I'm a bit afraid of that new mexico player with 2 turns of inmunity
>>3884284 You'll have to keep cape nibbas out of america though
Cape Commune
>>3884314 more brazil, fuck thos emu cunts up, I was going to be all nice and friendly but no stopping, no surrender, no prisoners, total fucking annihilation
Oda Shogunate
Quoted By:
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884328 trying and failing see
>>3884321 CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884329 >9 well fuck me sideways, looks like I'm done for
Quoted By:
>>3884333 At least you prevented us from an enemy trips get
>>3884314 Expand in Balears and Morrocos...
Cape Commune
>>3884345 oi cunt, I give you north africa if you be all friendly like
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3884351 I want spanish sahara though
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884345 Don't fall for the lies of
>>3884351 he is a pooftah
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3884357 I left the middle east and north africa for my old ally who seems to be dead so if you wanna go
Oda's capital was taken over, however a really good roll by Oda regained it back!
>>3884345 Don't trust them, they are nibbas
Keep the north hemisphere safe from them
And remember that if you are friendly with him you wont be able to take brazil...
And what would portugal be without brazil?
>chit Cape Commune
>>3884361 more brazil and then if emu want it I'll leave them alone for now, but if not, they know what will happen
>>3884361 Keep pushing into japan's islands
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 16:54:54 No. 3884373 Report Quoted By:
>>3884361 Fill Panama, split half the roll between invading US from cuba and invading from Mexico
>>3884361 We did it! We have achieved Fingolia!
Continue to divert the shogunates attention away from PPP. Also take China if spills
Cape Commune
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
Oda Shogunate
Quoted By:
>>3884364 This is the good roll
In this
>>3884372 i specify what to do with it
Quoted By:
BRB soon, spills into middle east, this roll is for next turn if I am not here for it
Quoted By:
>>3884375 M8
I think i'll have to start defending my capital...
We'll have to finish the shogunate fast
New countries are no longer immune and can be warred with!
>>3884361 Expand in Corsica and Sardinia,plus Tunisia...
Quoted By:
>>3884404 I will count that turn as your last one seeing as I was quick with that map
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:01:45 No. 3884418 Report Quoted By:
>>3884403 Invade US from both ends
Quoted By:
>>3884403 Going for the islands!!
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3884413 He plans in attacking you after he ends war with emus
My central inteligence agenci got that information as soon as portugal joined the game
Cape Commune
>>3884416 I still haven't attacked my old ally, even though they're vulnerable and not here, so I think I'm all good in not attacking you
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884455 The lies of a true pooftah. Can't wait to kick your ass back to africa
ATTENTION: At 225 posts in this thread, chemical weapons will be invented which will add +10t per turn to EVERYONE Also Oda's capital has been taken, granting 5t per turn to the captor
>>3884490 Sorry I meant 200 posts
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884494 AEmu: ATTACK CAPE
Cape Commune
Cape Commune
>>3884505 >>3884506 well, the front lines aren't going to change
Quoted By:
>>3884490 Fill carribean islands, then south america
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884513 Wait till the next turn, you must GO BACK
Quoted By:
>>3884490 Provably oda will try to take the capitsl back, so i puah into theirnterritory to avoid them from retaking the capital
Quoted By:
>>3884490 If my brown ally hasn't came back for thisnroll i roll for him to take more oda's territories and finishing him once for all
Hibernia !0Me.AeHUwY
Quoted By:
>>3884490 Hibernia
Oda Shogunate
Quoted By:
>>3884490 FUCK THIS SHIT
>Commits seppeku Portugal
Quoted By:
>>3884490 Move to make border with 'Cape Commune"
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884553 He will turn on you, don't trust him. Take north africa for yourself
>>3884490 >Cyan >Peru >Nilfgaard CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884592 >Peru Want to be allies? Im dark blue
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884608 Yeah, I'm dealing with red right now, if he pushes me out of SA then he'll come for you next. Best we both attack him and push him back to Africa
Cape Commune
>>3884608 mate, I'm not going to
Cape Commune
>>3884620 I just want brazil
>>3884623 >>3884620 I am confused,but will not attack him.
>>3884608 sorry Nilfgaard someone already took cyan/teal so I gave you pink. Welcome new players. Y0u each get 2 more turns of immunity. note that at post 200 chemical weapons are invented adding +10t to everyone for the rest of the game
Oda has capitulated, however they can create government-in-exile somewhere else on the map. Oda will get -5t for 3 turns at the start of the exile.
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884625 Maybe we can come to a deal?
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3884629 I give you north africa in return for your friendship
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884639 Emu: ATTACK CAPE
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3884653 no deal obviously
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:24:55 No. 3884664 Report Quoted By:
>>3884639 Fill midwestern US.
Hibernia !0Me.AeHUwY
>>3884639 Fill the UK, spill into Norway
Cape Commune
>>3884639 brazil please daddy
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884639 Deffend my capital
Mexicans are coming for it and i want to make a good wall
>hehe Hibernia !0Me.AeHUwY
Quoted By:
>>3884665 Fuck not Norway Iceland I mean
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:26:16 No. 3884681 Report Quoted By:
Cape Commune
shame trips gets no bonus though
Kaezer Calveit
>>3884604 An allience whose purpose is not the intent to wage war is senseless and useless.
I do not plan to wage war any time soon.
Howeve, I will accept a NAP.
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Kaezer Calveit
Quoted By:
>>3884639 >Pink Fill Ecuador and Venezuela.
>>3884687 >>3884692 If you help me with the poorspic i allow one of you to get his capital
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884732 too busy dealing with Cape unless he wants a NAP
>>3884684 Anonymous
Name: Dubs Dynasty Colour: Purple Place: Saudi Arabia
1 more turns of immunity for new players 2 more turns of -5 for Oda 11 more turns til chemical weapons
>>3884779 All of the colours are taken, however if you like you can take over from grey? I can rename you
>>3884773 Then peru shall go north?
Quoted By:
>>3884782 Oh cool, do it then
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confereration !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:35:14 No. 3884797 Report Quoted By:
>>3884781 Take remaining tiles in the US, defend if attacked.
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884781 Get the confederation's territories from the US
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3884788 NAP if I can get brazil
attack into brazil
Kaezer Calveit
Quoted By:
>>3884781 Take the guianas and neutral North Brazil
>>3884781 I offer aalliance toHibernia.
Declare friendship relation to Emu and "Cape"...
Fill France.
Declare "Iberic Empire".
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884800 Mi IP is changing because im on my phone
>>3884805 CHEMICAL WEAPONS FROM NOW ON (this does not count as next go)
+10t from now on
Kaezer Calveit (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:36:56 No. 3884820 Report >>3884732 I accept your proposal.
Quoted By:
Roll to take Iran
Hibernia !0Me.AeHUwY
Quoted By:
>>3884781 Invade Norway; push into Finland after I take Norway
Quoted By:
>>3884820 Gr8 m8
I'll be able to defend my capitall from other threads...
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884818 This is Emu Empire
>>3884788 btw
Cape Commune
alright cunts, I gotta go, split my lands amongst you all, farewell
Cape Commune
Quoted By:
>>3884853 most to emu empire please, because a good adversary
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884853 see ya lad, was fun being in as stalemate with ya
>>3884853 Farewell,sorry if anything.
Quoted By:
>>3884810 My ally is'nt coming back, want to turn our NAP into an alliance?
Now your problem with the cape is solved
Kaezer Calveit (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:43:51 No. 3884866 Report Quoted By:
>>3884860 >No bonus map Its almost as if begging for stalemates.
>>3884853 Goodbye! I will be turning this into a YouTube timelapse so keep an eye out!
Dub Dynasty
Quoted By:
Rolling to take Iran's tiles
That was a bit of work splitting the lands, I gave land to all nations with borders with blue
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3884892 Roll to take REDS CAPITAL
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884892 Push the confederation out of the US
Noone shal rape the PPP
Prepare your soldiers to be raped
Hibernia !0Me.AeHUwY
>>3884892 Take the capital of Gondola, then go into Greenland
Poorspic Confereration +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confereration +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:50:10 No. 3884913 Report Quoted By:
>>3884892 Push towards PPP capital
Celtic Christian Empire
Quoted By:
>>3884892 Offer alliance to Hibernia,Take Yugoslavia...
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884892 >>3884899 spill goes into greys land
Kaezer Calveit (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:51:41 No. 3884916 Report Quoted By:
>>3884892 Declaration of War on Spics.
Invade the Spics, move north through Panama and keep along central America.
Dub Dynasty
Quoted By:
Rolling to take Croatia
>>3884908 Hey, want to take gondola's place in my plan for the artic domination?
We were allys but he stopped playing
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Celtic Christian Empire
>>3884930 Hi.
How can I help?
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:58:02 No. 3884954 Report Quoted By:
Laptop ran out of charge, phoneposting now
These chemical weapons have really increased play speed... Pink has taken oranges capital
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
Quoted By:
>>3884946 You take the northern hemisphere I take the southern
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 17:59:36 No. 3884965 Report Quoted By:
>>3884955 Let PPP tak US territories, push back pink
Celtic Christian Empire
>>3884955 Declare the Celtic Empire.
Kaezer Calveit (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:00:30 No. 3884973 Report >>3884955 Hael Ker'zaer!
Finish up Mexico.
(10+ chem weapons 10+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 10+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:01:25 No. 3884976 Report Kaezer Calveit [+5] (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit [+5] (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:01:28 No. 3884977 Report Quoted By:
>>3884973 Updating the bonus.
Quoted By:
>>3884955 I clean orange out of the us and attack to the caribean, if a good roll go north to fill those qhite spaces
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:03:11 No. 3884987 Report Quoted By:
>>3884976 wait got bonus wrong. FIXED
Quoted By:
>>3884972 So... Who is in?
ATTENTION: at 300 posts nuclear weapons will be invented which will add a further +15 to each roll
Dub Dynasty
Quoted By:
Sorry Portugal but I'm gonna take over Egypt
Hibernia !0Me.AeHUwY
>>3884926 Yeah sure.
>>3884955 Seize Gondola capital
>>3885002 Seize Gondola capital
Hibernia +5 !0Me.AeHUwY
>>3885006 Ah shit I already have it; fill unclaimed Europe/Baltics
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:07:58 No. 3885010 Report Quoted By:
>>3885002 Now destroy p*nks
Hibernia +5 !0Me.AeHUwY
Quoted By:
>>3885006 With this roll presumably, not rerolling but redirecting I suppose
>>3885008 (10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:08:27 No. 3885014 Report Quoted By:
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:09:25 No. 3885016 Report Quoted By:
>>3885002 Rach, sheyss!
Retake that Capital!
Yn, twe!
>>3885006 So we are allies now?
>>3885002 Push south the confederation
If i get a good roll, take all mexico
Celtic Christian Empire
>>3885002 Take Germany.
>>3885006 I offer aliance.
Dub Dynasty
Dub Dynasty
Quoted By:
>>3885018 I offer alliance
Hibernia +5 !0Me.AeHUwY
Dub Dynasty
Taking tiles of Afgahnistan
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:13:37 No. 3885040 Report >>3885026 >>3885037 Which are you doing?
>>3885017 I see everione has the bonus points and i haven't written them yet :/
>>3885040 Attack blue then take Afgahnistan
>>3885018 You have nowhere left to expand, and still 17t that have not been used. Who do you choose to invade?
Quoted By:
>>3885054 Only one go per turn
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:19:44 No. 3885062 Report (10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:20:43 No. 3885066 Report (10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:21:01 No. 3885067 Report Quoted By:
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:22:35 No. 3885077 Report >>3885055 Crush the Spics.
No Mercy.
>>3885062 Your hatred focused solely towards me has blinded you from your true enemy, now you will still perish by my hands while other benefit from it.
You acomplishing nothing.
Hhibernia +5 !0Me.AeHUwY
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>>3885055 Connect my empire between Finland and Poland; fill the Baltics. Spill into Karelia (northwest Russia) and then Greenland
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Spill into Libya
Dub Dynasty
PPP(+10chem+10 3capitals)
PPP(+10chem+10 3capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:25:13 No. 3885095 Report >>3885055 I hope i get a good roll...
Extermirape pink and organge (giving priority to pink capital)
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:25:56 No. 3885100 Report >>3885052 Will you honour our Agreement?
If you do so i shall fight besides in you in the wars to come.
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:26:19 No. 3885104 Report >>3885077 I stood no chance against them, so I thought that taking you out would be quicker and easier.
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:26:23 No. 3885105 Report Quoted By:
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:26:41 No. 3885110 Report >>3885095 We still allies?
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:27:21 No. 3885116 Report Quoted By:
Celtic Christian Empire
>>3885055 Cede Italy,Hungary and southern Gerany to Gondola.
Cede France,belgium,Iberia and Balears to Hibernia...
Cede north Africa minus libia,sudan,Chad,morrocos and Congo to Emu.
Cede morrocos to poorspic confederation.
Cede Sudan,Congo and Chad to Dubs.
Cede Libia to Nilfgard.
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:28:46 No. 3885124 Report Quoted By:
>>3885104 >Knows he is going to fall anyway >Makes his hardest to do so while benefiting the largest player and to fuck over the smaller who just joined. You are scum and deserve to be destroyed.
Celtic Christian Empire
Dub Dynasty
Quoted By:
Fuck it, I'm leaving, see ya
PPP(+10chem+10 3capitals)
PPP(+10chem+10 3capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:30:24 No. 3885133 Report >>3885110 Yes, the south is yours and the north mine and from hibernia
Pink was only a NAP
>>3885100 I'm sorry m8 but if you wanted to expand you'd have to be too close to my capitall or attack my ally of the south... So instead of risking to be betrayed by you i choose to extermirape, it's not personal...
>>3885104 (10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:32:12 No. 3885144 Report Quoted By:
>>3885118 Whew, that was a lot of work
Hhibernia +15 !0Me.AeHUwY
Hhibernia +15 !0Me.AeHUwY ID:4UQRQ8X8 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:33:56 No. 3885160 Report Quoted By:
>>3885149 Invade Romania; go into Constantinople
Celtic Christian Empire
>>3885149 No!It was to give Libia to Kaezar Calveit...
But thaanks OP,you are great!
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:34:25 No. 3885163 Report Quoted By:
>>3885149 attack grey going for his capital, spills go to rest of his land
>>3885162 Grey actually invaded Libya before you made your post
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus)
Kaezer Calveit [+0] (NAP: Emus) ID:lkxr9jlj Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:35:02 No. 3885167 Report >>3885149 >Ceeded Moroco to Poorspics and didnt ceed Lybia to me Everyone in this thread is plotting against me confirmed.
PPP(+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:35:48 No. 3885172 Report >>3885149 Extermirape pink
If good roll take the northern islands of canada
And if the roll is too good expand a bit my japanesse capital
I don't want to take territorys from hibernia
Hibernia+15 !0Me.AeHUwY
>>3885172 It should all go according to plan soon, ally
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:38:35 No. 3885187 Report >>3885172 >>3885183 are you two planning on taking me out?
PPP(+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:39:08 No. 3885195 Report Quoted By:
>>3885183 By now we are the ones with more capitals and more power
Celtic Christian Empire
>>3885179 Can you give Portugal to him them?
Celtic Christian Empire
Quoted By:
>>3885183 Good luck,ally...
PPP(+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:43:46 No. 3885223 Report Quoted By:
>>3885187 Don't worry m8, the south is your
I like emus and koalas m8
>>3885212 Expand into the brown twrritory of my fallen ally
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +10 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:43:50 No. 3885224 Report >>3885212 Shit I still have land
Invade algeria
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:44:19 No. 3885227 Report >>3885183 Willing to give you all my land if you promise to change your nations name to Hibernia/Emu Empire or something similar to that. Also if OP allows it
>>3885212 If im not allowed to give it all I will still give most to you so long as you change your name to what I stated earlier
Hibernia+20 !0Me.AeHUwY
>>3885212 Wipe Kaezer out if he invades me, invade blue Turkey
Celtic Christian Empire
Quoted By:
>>3885224 You are to be peacefull...
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:45:41 No. 3885238 Report Quoted By:
>>3885234 rude af, just offered you all my shit
>>3885227 Celtic Christian Empire
Quoted By:
>>3885234 Good luck,ally...
Hibernia+10 chem +10 in capitals !0Me.AeHUwY
Hibernia+10 chem +10 in capitals !0Me.AeHUwY ID:4UQRQ8X8 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:45:58 No. 3885241 Report >>3885227 Stick to the game; we'll war it out and if it turns out to be a hugbox I'll step out
Kaezer Calveit [+0]
>>3885197 >>3885212 You two are very kind, but i dont really feel like playing any longer.
Give this roll to the Celtic Empire.
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:46:35 No. 3885247 Report Quoted By:
>>3885241 I'm planning to leave anyway
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:47:08 No. 3885249 Report Quoted By:
>>3885212 fuck it. I GIVE ALL MY SHIT TO PINK.
PPP(+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:47:27 No. 3885250 Report Quoted By:
>>3885227 if you leave can i get australia plox?PPP, the haustralia loverm8
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:47:36 No. 3885251 Report Quoted By:
now imma go, bye cunts
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NUCLEAR WEAPONS ARE NOW A THING +15 for all countries on top of the +10 for the chemical weapons
Emu, I cant be bothered turning it all pink so if pink wants that land, they will become emu empire
Dub Dynasty
Quoted By:
Spill into India
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:53:26 No. 3885288 Report >>3885276 Ok, so i expand into south america and get THE FULL CONTINET
fuck yeah, the pacific is mine
Poorspic Confederation +25 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +25 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:53:47 No. 3885294 Report Quoted By:
>>3885276 Take west africa
Hibernia +15 +10 chem +10 in capitals !0Me.AeHUwY
Hibernia +15 +10 chem +10 in capitals !0Me.AeHUwY ID:4UQRQ8X8 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:54:10 No. 3885297 Report Quoted By:
>>3885276 Reclaim Portugal since he is Emu now; invade southern Arabia/horn of Africa
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:54:38 No. 3885299 Report Quoted By:
>>3885288 Fuckyeah, doubles
If i get whole southamerica and still got territories to invade, expand to Haustralia
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
(10+ chem weapons 5+ Capital)CockEyes !CumBENIS4c ID:K1a1agah Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:54:58 No. 3885300 Report >>3885243 He doesnt feel like playing anymore.
>>3885276 split it as you like, or just let the others fight over it, either is all g with me
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 18:56:42 No. 3885313 Report Quoted By:
>>3885300 I'll take your chit mofo
Blue is almost gone! Also sorry I took so long, I had to do a difficult captcha lol
Hibernia +40
Quoted By:
>>3885349 Go into South Africa; seize the capital and then invade Morocco. Change name to Celtiberia
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 19:03:19 No. 3885372 Report Quoted By:
>>3885349 Rollin to taking the whole Haustralia
And going north to vietnam or higher if i get a good roll to conect my empire
Poorspic Confederation +25 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +25 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 19:03:28 No. 3885373 Report Quoted By:
>>3885349 Take south africa, defend from any attack
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 19:10:17 No. 3885429 Report >>3884868 Where will i be able to look it?
Tips to find the vid once you upload it?
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals)
PPP(+15nuclear+10chem+15 4capitals) ID:mfXPFyJ3 Mon 29 Jan 2018 19:11:51 No. 3885451 Report >>3885432 Conect The PPP empire of the far east
And if get a good roll take whats's left of emu's
Hibernia +45
Celtiberia +45
Quoted By:
>>3885474 Spill more Spic land
>>3885474 Hey you!
+45 for what!??
>>3885452 Your chanel is disturbing m8
>>3885498 Thanks mate hahaha
>>3885494 I counted it up, its nuclear,chemical and capitals
Celtiberia +45
>>3885509 Wipe out the spics; fill the rest of south Europe/Bavarianiggerland
>>3885509 Then i have +45 too??
For how long have i been missing +5t?
Raperageincasion of what's left of the emu's empire
If a good roll i want northern russia
Poorspic Confederation +25 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +25 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 19:20:18 No. 3885538 Report Quoted By:
>>3885509 Expand into grey
>>3885518 Are we the only ones left
>>3885532 you do have 45, however i have been counting each time rather than trusting haha
Quoted By:
>>3885546 Thx m8
That's awsome for your part hahaha
Celtiberia +45
Quoted By:
>>3885540 Yeah I suppose; I figured we'd just fill the map till the game ended
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3885452 fuck me, saw pics of you being posted in a thread a few days back. kek good shit
Next round. Spic is wiped out I'm afraid
>>3885563 Hahaha what pics man?
Celtiberia +45
Quoted By:
>>3885569 Fill Africa; spill Chechnya region
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>>3885569 I'll take mongolia and if a good roll get siberia too
CockEyes !CumBENIS4c
>>3885576 Some thread about turning you into a meme I forget, think you had your shirt on in them though, not sure
Poorspic Confederation +25 !.mqVEY1Tqk
Poorspic Confederation +25 !.mqVEY1Tqk ID:9A6ssLXW Mon 29 Jan 2018 19:25:09 No. 3885596 Report Celtiberia +45
Dub Dynasty
Quoted By:
Attack Saudi Arabia
>>3885594 That's funny lmao
Celtiberia +45
>>3885656 Allow him to be contained within Saudi Arabia; defend his attacks elsewhere and fill Russia
Quoted By:
>>3885656 Roll for the rest of the territory of my fallen ally
(RIP gondola)
Celtiberia +45
>>3885666 Can you fill india?
>>3885671 Well fuck, i think russia and india it's yours
Dub Dynasty
Quoted By:
Take over Iran
Getting close to a finale I think.
>>3885672 >>3885678 Sure; you'll get the rest of Russia/China and all that and I'll take the southwest of Asia?
Celtiberia +45
Quoted By:
>>3885715 FUCK got caught shitposting again. Fill anything that is left
Dub Dynasty
>>3885719 This is what is left. It;s greens go, do you wish to attack teal or join countries?
>>3885719 Seems ok for me
You can have india and the south east in exchange of the rest of russia and greenland
Anyway... From the south east i'd like to keep the islands to conect australia with japan and all that
>>3885715 Roll for those neutral territories remaining at the west of greenland
>>3885745 Soooo invade teal?
>>3885741 It's fine for mee
But... We can do that change we were talking
>>3885745 I liek russia and greenland
And if he gets southeast of asia he has mor land near the sea
Dub Dynasty
Quoted By:
>>3885757 Bye! look out for the video when I upload it tomorrow
Celtiberia +45
>>3885754 >>3885741 Fuck it let us war; invade Canada
Celtiberia +45
>>3885755 Well shit I thought we were warring; I will cede you Greenland for Pakistan/India
>>3885761 You sucker!!
Counter attack that and invade portugal's capital
>>3885768 >>3885755 I think what I might do for the video is unite the two countries under a mixed name/ colour? what do you guys think?
>>3885782 Mianly because I gtg soon
>>3885768 I want no peace now
You attackes the homeland of my empire
You shall suffer
>>3885777 Suck those triiiiips
Op, use my tripa to invade europe and take as much capitals as i can!!
I'm going to crush you chicanon
>>3885784 >>3885782 Ok...
Although he deserves to be destroyed
Check my trips on europe, i want spain and england
And i'll let him stay alife if he surrenders to the PPPand becomes the PPPiberian subempire
>>3885811 >>3885768 It's been a pleasure guys. I would love to keep going and find out who wins but its nearly 6am here so gotta go to sleep. Will make the video in like 10 hours time from now, so keep on the lookout. Take care.
Celtiberia +45
>>3885782 Yeah I guess
>>3885789 >>3885811 >sperging this hard I don't even IBERIANpost often but just to piss you off
t. an*Mefag wh*Toid
Celtiberia +45
Quoted By:
>>3885835 Good game and take care bud
Quoted By:
>>3885835 Ok m8
Good night, morning or whatever
>>3885845 Shut up chicanon
You dont even shitpost right
Your iberians ain't hairi enough to be true iberians
>>3885875 There is no singular Chicanon
Quoted By:
>>3885897 >as if i talked bout singulars Your shitty language causes missleadings
In spanish we have diferences for plural and singular... Not like you... "Smart" ass