>>3931790Works are derivative of faith.
The wages of sin is death, only death can pay off the debt of sin, no work from our flawed hands can do anything to atone for this debt, only the death of the sinless Christ, which we accept by faith is sufficient.
By way of faith in Christ your character is transformed and you begin to emulate Jesus, more & more - good works are the proof of a transformed character. The old man dies and the new man is born in the spirit, as you walk in faith, you will begin to be more Christ-like in your nature and do "good works"
"Faith without works is dead" - if you have no fruits (no good works) then your faith is illegitimate, if you actually have faith in Jesus as your Savior, whose sacrifice & grace is sufficient, then you will have good works because you will want to be more like Christ.
You aren't saved by works, you're saved by faith.
And through faith you will be transformed into the image of Christ, and do good works because you yearn to be good.