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54KiB, 580x503, elitist boomer meme about Sint Maarten politics.jpg
Fellas, I'm staying in Sint Maarten on vacation, and every time I'm here all I do is go to the beach, go shopping, go to the cinema, eat out at restaurants with the family, train at a martial arts school, or go sailing or hiking. Other than that there really isn't much else to do here besides experiencing the nightlife, which I'm just old enough to do and still have 0 experience with (am 19). I did see an arcade hall while on the road, so that's an idea.
Are there any other recommendations for what to do here?
(pic related, it's a shitty Sint Maarten meme for relevance that didn't even make me chuckle. geez, Sint Maarteners really can't meme)
Are there any other recommendations for what to do here?
(pic related, it's a shitty Sint Maarten meme for relevance that didn't even make me chuckle. geez, Sint Maarteners really can't meme)