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No.3942331 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be an ugly nofriends loser beta 27 year old male who has had no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, no enjoyable hobbies, and who became the ugly loner no one talks to within a day of starting all his jobs, never been to a pub, club, or party
>wake up at 9:15 am
>browse internet on phone for 3 hours
>as I browse the internet I come to the epiphany that maybe if I set myself deadlines I will motivate myself to get stuff done and stop wasting time but realise this is stupid and a trivial idea that reflects a mentality cucked by Taylorism
>go running
>at 1:45 pm go on the underground train to central London to walk around and feel sad about life
>told myself that today will be my last day of eating unhealthily
>thinking maybe I'll start after Sunday
>saw a larger number of Staceys than usual and became demoralised as fuck
>walked through Regents Park and Camden Town, feeling subhuman
>used a bus for the first time in London because it was free due to a rail malfunction
>rode bus in top deck and gained a new perspective of London's run down nature (if it had LA weather it wouldn't be depressing)
>ended up at Westfield Stratford City- Staceytopia
>walk through it a few times on the different floors, trying not to make eye contact with anyone in case Stacey calls security because I creeped her out
>see many adverts for the Imperial War Museum, an advert with Churchill on it and in the middle of the gaudy shopping centre- realise this is modern Britain
>see lots of inner city youths and realise I will never have the "cheeky bantz" / charisma necessary to have any sort of social life, nevermind a gf
>feel extremely out of place but walk through it for the catharsis of accepting my ugly subhumanity among the Chads and Staceys
>only bright spot was seeing large Amerimutt posters in the Apple store
>currently eating at mcdonalds