>>3973610>HappyI think you misunderstand the point of a person of Trump as president. He isn't there to make his supporters happy; he's there to make things worse for people, some of them not being his supporters, so US citizens can indulge as a whole in their favourite past time, Schadenfreude.
Doesn't matter if coal isn't going to come back, as foretold by the mystic wisdom of the fucking 1980s, as long as people who campaign about the environment are annoyed, Trump is doing great according to his voters. Likewise, it doesn't matter if Trump is severing every fucking diplomatic tie with any foreign nation in the book, because that'll piss off people who aren't US citizens, which in turn makes life in the US seem better.
Who can blame them? It doesn't help that the US as a whole sees positive room for improvement as a form of common law treason/communism (the latter which now represents any deed less self serving from personally slapping orphans for fun in many states). Suburgatory, shitty civil planning of cities, terrible commutes, a public transport system that can be beaten by a bike, the ever rising gun placebo effect on small town minds, anti-science movements and the shitty acceptance of anti-intellectualism makes day to day life annoying. Not terrible, because the US has great quality of life in some areas (until they manage to pogrom cancer doctors at least), but absolutely petty in every respect.
So no anon, Americans aren't happy. They're fucking miserable, stressed, and pissed off, and they wouldn't have it any other way 'you dirty fuckin commiesz'.