>>4008184https://www.igdid.com/h84-color-codingMKUltra color programming..
Color programming was originally developed for a simple reason: cult trainers like other individuals, are basically lazy. Colors was developed, in the late 1950's. It was developed, because even the youngest child, normally, can recognize colors, and they wanted the organization to begin early, during preschool years, when system templates or core splits were being formed. A three year-old can recognize colors before the can read."
>"Red: is often linked to alpha programming; these are often they most easily accessed alters in a person's system, including lots of eager to please littles. Also, sexual programming/prostitution may be places here. Historically, the cult has linked the color with sexual abuse and sexual ceremonies.">"Blue: protective; may be linked to beta in some people. These are they aggressive protectors in a system, the tough guys that know how to fight. Military programming may also go here, in some individuals.">Green: We were the ones that represent the family, generations, etc. We also have been the ones to get most of the pain and abuse that happened at home. Cult crap that was carried on in the home. All of our family members inside have at least one green representation here. This is where access by family members takes place because some of us are still loyal to our families.>"Yellow:often represents spirituality/positive messages. The cult realizes that to much theta/black can destroy, and in order not to lose their members to suicide, will put in lifesaving or positive messages, and allow some positive spiritually.">Pink: we are the little ones, innocent, what we were like before they did bad things to us. we like teddy bears, we cry a lot and we want our mommy and daddy cuz they were nice to us.