>>4014488>>4014481Not great, but, better than nothing. Hey, if you get a salad from a fast food place - that's something.
>>4014488What's your recreation? And tea's great for you - just make sure that you're not getting >2-3L/day - because then you can have problems with oxalates and the potential for kidney stones.
>>4014495Hey, if you have depression - that's a start. There were whole weeks when I didn't leave bed - didn't eat. Was AWFUL. if you want help getting through it, I'm all ears. (incidentally, Kpop helped me through depresssion too _ it's just too adorable for me not to like it).
>>4014504well, you're in Central Europe - there aren't going to be a lot of them there. A trip to Warsaw to see the Qts?
>>4014526Careful of adding a lot of excess stuff to your tea - lots of extra kcal. Try drinking it black.
>>4014544Good for when you're sick.