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ID:yquuY6MW No.401113 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
so i tried asking /adv/ but got no response whatsoever so why not try on this new board!

so heres the quick rundown, be forewarned it is a girl issue. so back in early march i met this girl who was basically everything ive ever dreamed of a partner, perfect for me in nearly every way, to the point ive never felt this way before about someone. things were fantastic and even though we never dated, i was happy in a way i didnt know was possible. she eventually acted weird and when i asked about it she pushed me away more. she started dating someone and it broke my heart but we still talked. i started hanging with people she introduced me to because we got along well (good friends now) and she basically disowned me entirely. occasionally every week or so i would message her to see if she would respond, she would only read them but thats it. last week however i had a bad day at work and just the thought of a chance of her responding i took another chance and she did. we've been talking a little and things seem fine. however she might be moving states by the end of june and if she cant find a place to stay she'll have to leave with her family so she can stay in college. she invited me to visit her at work the one day and seeing her was the best thing i felt since i was able to be with her. and she had some friend troubles and confided in me even though she didnt even know why. we made plans for tomorrow and even though she hasnt been talking as much i hope they still are intact.

My questions for you guys are; what are good ideas we can do so i can be a good memory if she does leave? and would there be any hope i could have a moment with her to have her be "mine" at least for the day?

my only idea was to get food and take her to a state park which was the first place we ever spent time together, and give her a CD of one of her favorite bands with a note talking about how special she is (friend like not cringy)