>>4014698I lived the neet life for 2 years when I was college-aged (I wasnt getting money from anybody, just living with dad off money from a previous job) and while at the time I was ashamed of it, it was still the mentally best period of my life. When you don't have the time goblin breathing down your neck, you can really get in to shit and either think very deeply about things or say with video games really immerse yourself and have maximal fun. I used to go out on walks and just explore, or the same thing but in a car. I never feel like I have time for that anymore, because I need to get home and make food and make sure I have enough sleep for the next time I have to work.
I've had a part-time job since then and because I'm not retarded with money I have everything I need and no debt, but I really miss those two years. I'm just wasting away now.
>why do they hate work and normal life?at work, you're making somebody else a ton of money and likely only getting a wage or a salary yourself, all while letting them be angry douches to you. You work on their schedule, you act how they want, you dress how they want, etc. You can't pick your co-workers, you can't really pick where your job is. Your job is certainly not fun. I can't think of a single career I'd actually like to do. Our whole civilization is corrupt from top to bottom and anybody with eyes and two brain cells can see it.
Normal life? Have you met most people? They like stupid shit, they're largely evil and believe crazy things. You can't trust them with anything. Tv is garbage, as are 99% of video games, fashion, cars, etc. Sports are gay. In the US at least, most places are ugly; people have square mowed lawns with cheap plastic houses, every other building looks like a carboard box with a sign plastered on the front. It's all just shit, man. Who wants to get emotionally invested in any of that? Everybody but me and all the neets I'm always hearing about, apparently.