>>40290/bant/ is a board for /pol/ oldfags to escape from nupol/plebbitors.
It's a bit like Orthodoxy vs. Roman Catholicism. See, Orthodoxy is quite clearly much older than Catholicism (clue is in the name), and yet RC's claim to be the original Church.
/pol/acks are like the Orthodox, and nupol are like the RC's. Nothing we say to them can convince them that they aren't real /pol/acks. They think that by just calling themselves that, they automatically become /pol/acks. But their rituals and customs are completely alien to the teachings of genuine oldfags and Adolf Hitler, and nothing /pol/acks can say to them will ever reveal to them the error of their ways. So we came here. Reminder that
>/bant/ has always been a national socialist board>/bant/ has always been a Christian board>/bant/ has always supported Assad>#RandPaul2020