I'm not sure if I believe in ghosts (I do believe in some esp) but I thought I heard a demon speak once. It was pretty damn scary but I chalk it up as an auditory hallucination. What's weird though as when I was even younger, I made a stone circle around where I later heard that voice. I'm pretty sure I was trying to do a spell for a snow day or something silly, not sure how close those 2 events were.
>be teen
>sharing room with younger brother at the time
>wake up early one morning
>turn onto my side towards the wall
>hear what sounds like a demon say "you're mine now" from the middle of the room
>deep raspy ass man voice
>sends chills down my body
>play dead for a few minutes
>start screaming for my parents
>somehow nobody wakes up
>hop up and dart for the lights
>nothing in the room, bro is still asleep
>go and and wake up me mum to explain what happened