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No.4047727 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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>Anyone here used to be in GATE? I was from 2nd-8th grade as they did not have the program in my high-school.

I remember a some things that seemed odd about the program. I will write what I can remember that was different from my other classes here, I don't know if they are common or uncommon to the program. It just seems like some shady shit to me.

>In a sectioned-off wing of the school
>Teachers seemed like they fucking despised the class
>Remember the blinds being shut often
>Read books about odd topics like deep-sea monsters, and the secret development of the atom bomb in 1945.
>Brief lessons on Russian, Vietnamese, and another language I don't remember

>In a basement
>We played with puzzles, but had to log our activity
>Again, windows were closed and blinds shut often.
>Taught more odd things, like Anorexia, Depression, Bulimia, and other disorders
>Teacher was a frail old woman, had a bitter disdain for the class (Or at least me)
>Did projects on WW2 war machines

Let me tell you where my classmates are now

RF: Used to be a normal girl, and a good friend of mine. Now a rabid SJW queer cat-kin socialist. Told me to kms because I was not PC enough.
JN: Full-ride to Stanford. Anarcho-Communist. Head of the Political Action club back in HS
AM: Feminist, Hillary supporter. Cheerleader in Highschool
ZH: Dated a roastie in HS for a bit, then just vanished. I assume he moved.
JW: Moved after Freshman year in HS
Me: I shitpost on /pol/, have shit grades, and generally am not liked.

Doesn't this seem a little off or am I just over-analyzing things?