Vote for FSP - The Libertarian Party of /bant/
We at FSP believe in the upholdance of the NAP, so the people can live freely and equally. We oppose restrictions and want a better board for everyone. We want /pol/ to stay in /pol/, /b/ to stay in /b/ and /bant/ to become a fresh ground for those who wish to post freely.
https://discord gg/VhXVqkR (without the space) and ask to be put in FSP
Next Election on May 26th, vote FSP!
>>408942 This is now an ancap thread
>>408983 nah Ancap is too radical just general Libertarian
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 03:41:54 No. 409045 Report Quoted By:
>>409005 All forms of capitalism are welcome
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 03:42:56 No. 409070 Report I am also open to questions about the party, and you know I'm up for a good debate
I think that /pol/ makes this board slightly better as long as they aren't trying TOO hard.
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 03:48:17 No. 409231 Report Quoted By:
>>409196 yes but by pouring into here, /pol/ is violating the NAP and limiting our right to become our own board instead of /pol/ 2
>>409070 What would you make illegal and what would you legalize?
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk ID:PIdvWLrp Sat 13 May 2017 03:53:58 No. 409372 Report >>408942 I want our mascot to be llamia
>>409005 Too radical for who
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk ID:PIdvWLrp Sat 13 May 2017 03:56:32 No. 409435 Report >>409375 >would be tried for involuntary manslaughter Anonymous
>>408942 /pol/ here. We colonized this land. It's ours.
>>409484 /pol/ here also. I don't want /bant/ to be /pol 2.0/
Cory Baxter - BOP
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 04:02:46 No. 409579 Report >>409349 The NAP would be our one and only law, therefore all acts of aggression and violence would be outlawed. There are questions like how it deals with monopolies but with the set of rules the NAP has, that question could easily be figured out, as with many other questions about what is and isn't a violation.
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>>409498 It isn't. It's a satellite board that we can use for resources and as a buffer.
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 04:04:58 No. 409625 Report >>409484 You can't claim land that others dwell on, /bant/ is a place of new beginnings and equal opportunity
>>409625 >you can't claim land that others dwell on Too bad, we own it through force of arms.
>/bant/ is a place of new beginnings and equal opportunity No, it isn't. /pol/ allows you to live purely by our mercy. You are not entitled to anything unless you are a loyal citizen of the Reich.
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk ID:PIdvWLrp Sat 13 May 2017 04:09:56 No. 409747 Report >>409683 >allows you to live tell that to hiromoot
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 04:13:02 No. 409829 Report >>409683 >Too bad, we own it through force of arms A violation of the NAP, so an act of aggression like that would mean we could just do the same to you
>No, it isn't. /pol/ allows you to live purely by our mercy. You are not entitled to anything unless you are a loyal citizen of the Reich. "The Reich" failed years ago. Now is the time for /bant/ to bloom into what is better for all of us: A land free of restriction and ripe with opportunity
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>>409747 I will have Anonymous hack your house if you don't show some respect, kiddo. I'm one of the higher-ups of /pol/, if you catch my drift, and I don't take kindly to sass.
>>409829 Your NAP violates our NAP, and there are more of us, so good luck.
And true National Socialism was never tried. It'll work this time.
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 04:20:27 No. 410038 Report >>409853 >Your NAP violates our NAP, and there are more of us, so good luck. niggawhut
>I support an economic scheme that consolidates and centralizes power in the hands of few individuals >I support an economic scheme that dooms many people (including children) to a lifetime of serfdom >I call myself "libertarian" and still expect to be taken seriously kek you can't make this stuff up
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>>409853 >there are more of us Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk ID:PIdvWLrp Sat 13 May 2017 04:24:15 No. 410146 Report Quoted By:
>>409853 >was never tried R E T A R D E D S Y S T E M F A I L S
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Don't be a faggot.
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 04:25:45 No. 410189 Report Quoted By:
>>410054 This is why we have the NAP. Child labor (when involuntary) is a violation, therefore the people would take up arms agaisnt these companies.
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>>410038 Denying our right to aggression is an act of aggression, you statist.
>>410060 Yes, your point? You just showed one of the Reich's soldiers, a MAGApede 1st class.
Don't make me send in the based black men.
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>>410054 >consolidates and centralizes power in the hands of few individuals implying this doesnt happen anyway regardless of economic policy
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>>409435 they can try me as long as they dont restrict my freedom of movement or punish me, cause that would violate the NAP
>>409579 You have commies protesting in the streets, they are calling for centralized government and free stuff, what do?
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>>408942 >having any beliefs or convictions whatsoever Wew
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 04:45:00 No. 410635 Report Quoted By:
>>410446 Nothing so long as they don't violate the NAP
>>408942 Can I physically remove communists?
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party
le reddit xD - Member of Freedom Snek Party ID:QbEgyS+8 Sat 13 May 2017 04:52:58 No. 410787 Report Quoted By:
>>410768 Just keep it on the DL ;^)
>>408942 Equality is a patently illogical conceptualization, no two things are equal, therefore it is impossible on any level to ever have anything resembling an equal society. What one should pursue is a society that is the most advantageous to the majority of it's citizens.
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk ID:PIdvWLrp Sat 13 May 2017 05:03:15 No. 410976 Report Anonymous
>>410976 I don't answer to tripfags, I will trade you my evidence for a livestream of you drinking bleach and dying, otherwise feel free to show yourself out.
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk ID:PIdvWLrp Sat 13 May 2017 05:06:33 No. 411035 Report >>411010 >still no evidence and this is just for the thread, I'm just a simple party member
>>411035 You have my terms tripfag, take them or leave them.
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk ID:PIdvWLrp Sat 13 May 2017 05:19:04 No. 411291 Report >>411268 >no evidence Are you going to keep this up or still make yourself look like an asshat?
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>>410948 >What one should pursue is a society that is the most advantageous to the majority of it's citizens. Advantageous to what majority and who gets to decide and enforce this utilitarianism? Let me guess
>people who agree with me Anonymous
>>411291 You are too dumb to be worth talking to, so we aren't going to have a conversation about this unless you satisfy my requirement that you remove yourself from the gene pool immediately. Otherwise you're welcome to fuck off, as I said. This will be the last time I deign to respond to you and your faggotry. Go be a kike somewhere else.
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk
Aeonic Komainu !AQprfik/Hk ID:PIdvWLrp Sat 13 May 2017 05:22:59 No. 411383 Report Quoted By:
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>>408942 Anarcho Fascism desu senpai
>>411861 I don't know enough about communism to tell if that's a contradiction or not. Any commies here that can share some insight?
Caupolican ARM.
>>411926 Marx was an economist, he knew that you need money for things, including visiting a statue.
Also vote ARM for the /bant/ parliament.
>>411926 It's irrelevant, frankly. See second post above that one.
>>411973 Thank you.
>>411999 How much do you know about 3D printers? Will they really make that much of a change given their limitations in precision and materials?
>>412054 Some. I'm not like, a god or anything. But the cat is out of the bag as far as that goes and they are within reach to basically anybody that isn't completely indigent. People are printing guns and shit now. There are even construction companies experimenting with printing housing.
I read something the other day about a guy printing his own braces, similar to invisalign.
>>412149 Aren't those guns shit and prone to exploding? I thought good guns needed strong metal and precise dimensions.
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>>412200 ...for $60 USD, I should add.
>>412222 It has come a long way in just a couple of years.
>>412300 Can I make a dragon dildo with a cheap one yet
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>>412339 Not without a matching butt plug. Them's the breaks, unfortunately.
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>>408942 >Following arbitrary private property laws >freedom Y'all niggas is spooked
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>>408942 >>409372 >>409560 Can you guys explain the appeal of namefagging?
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>>409375 too radical for fucking commies that's who