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Daily Reminder r/banters

ID:+skTguAz No.4142608 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
American black bant users, how do you reconcile with the fact that you have achieved nothing historically without the help of either whites or asians? Even your new black panther movie is entirely made possible by Jews, it could never have happened without them. You desperately attempt to portray historical figures as your race and you think this is "powerful" but it comes across to everyone as pathetic really. You brag about getting white women, but I can tell you, the white women who like you are better off not producing white children anyways as they are more often than not the rebellious, hopelessly needy ones. What do you have in this world other than a dick? What have you achieved by yourselves? No one likes you, Asians of every nation despise you, Hispanics of every nation despise you, whites of every nation despise you, Africans despise you as well. I actually like Africans from Africa as I have found them mannerly and just as annoyed with you as we all are. What can you do other than say "muh dick"?