>>4196744nu/pol/, maybe. this is just the evolution of civic nationalism. asians as a whole are "based" because of one or two of them wearing the figurative MAGA hat.
possibly a larger part of the phenomenon of east asians being called "honorary whites" is the "muh dik" logic involved, the whole nazi alliance with japan, and heavy shilling both for and against it. I don't go to infinity chan often but the people shilling for east asians lately are posting the exact same memes all over infinity chan, too. the anti-white roastie memes and shit like that.
at the same time, ironically enough, asians and hapas from reddit are spamming 4/pol/ with interracial porn and anti white male/asian female propaganda, and unfortunately the dumber and newer of the white guys here are probably actually trying to fight fire with fire, so we're getting several racemixing threads a day now and the board is degenerating into /r9k/ tier shitposting.
but these are all just things that shape our perception of asians and have little to do with what asians are really like politically and socially in actuality. these phenomena are tangential to the core issue. asians are demonstrably NOT "honorary whites." most simply put, their interests conflict with our own within our countries precisely because they are not white. "honorary white" or "honorary aryan" are terms that put them on equal footing with us and carry too many connotations of equality and peaceful coexistence. equality and peace are sweet fleeting lies.
as a counter to all the stupid rhetoric on here as of late, asians are the ultimate tradthots if you look at how they statistically operate with non-asians. all that said, I'm of course not opposed to friendly international relations with them. I just won't make an exception for them and place them above or even at the same level as my fellow white, because that's what being a nationalist fundamentally means.