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Compared to other games like DOTA 2, CSGO, TF2, HOTS, Paladins, Battlerite, and other mmo games;
>autistic kids can learn 2 play easily but still fuck up horribly
>the items are easier to understand than DOTA 2's items
>the damage system is easier to understand
>much more smaller and easier to roam map
>can jungle easily
>champ abilities are fairly simple yet hard to master
>runs on the shittiest of pc's
>"free 2 play" unless u want the cosmetics and new champs
>the new runes reforged
>mastery7 spamming B5 yasuo mains
>shitty reworks
>still no sign of star guardian urgot
>cancerous playerbase
>cancerous shit builds
>instalock cancer champs
>that somehow a lvl16 user is with silver-tier lvl30 matchup wtf
>lvl16 steals ur lane and feeds the enemy
Still play it to this day