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ID:i4JazcVu No.4225661 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>blog I follow on tumblr posts about stupid shit imperialist apologists/fascists say
>this time, the blog posts screenshots from a reddit convo about some Israeli justifying the bombing of Gaza and Lebanon because of the existence Hamas and Hezbollah
>ask the blog for the link so I can make an account and debate the fag
>get provided with the link to the comment, made an account in 10 minutes, and started debating the Israeli
>open up the convo with “Zionist cognitive dissonance is the 2nd most disgusting thing about your fascist nation, 1st being your pride and justification of ethnic cleansing and genocide”
>surely enough, the Israeli posts the typical IDF propaganda
>debunk him with live interviews, articles, and personal stories of ex-IDF soldiers
>Israeli spergs about ISIS’s correlation with Hezbollah (fucking lmao)
>showered with heaps of evidence that say the contrary and that Israel is THE one in bed with ISIS
>no replies since then
>left the reddit account
>2 days later I’ve received an email from the reddit admins saying I was suspended for three days because of my “Zionist cognitive dissonance”
>Surely enough, the entire convo I had with Israelgot deleted as well
>This didn’t even happen on an Israeli sub
Reddit is such a spineless shithole. They allow places like r/the_Donald to exist, yet when someone debates an Israeli, I’m the one banned for misconduct.
Account deleted.