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Death of /bant/

ID:Zs23MTN4 No.4229633 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
r/banters will soon surprise themselves...They'll listen to the call of the Touhou sirens. and worship the god cirno. And thus, biologically exterminate themselves by accepting unlimited amounts of sub-cirnonigger cirnoew, cirnoabs, cirnokis etc.
And eventually, in time their /a/ invadors will look more like the original r/banters than r/banters themseves. And Banters will be remembered as a failed race, mongrelized, like the ancient /b/...Because of the god cirno, and just like the /b/, they'll sacrifice centuries of existence...Because they have enough pride to say fuck off to other boards...But can't do so to cirnoniggers. Soon, their children will be brainwashed, their own posts, will teach them (in time, incrementally) to worship the Politically correct deity. Soon, they too will understand that being called "racist" is worse than seeing your children raped or chopped up to pieces by cirnoniggers. (just like in /v/). /v/ posters have big mouths yet they have capitulated.

This is a test people. a test for board survival, are you up to it ? So far, it seems that the only ones who are reacting are /pol/, /g/ & /toy/They'll all stuck in a bizarre situation where they're part of the anti-board genocidal union, yet are openly fighting against the Cirnonigger plan. But we're talking about exceptions. It's not the norm in the Cirno.

Nobody should feel sorry for the r/banters or the /b/. Because they have no excuses. They've seen what happened in /a/, in /vg/, /wg/, /rk9/, /tv/ (to name a few), and yet they're still being potentially seduced by the siren calls of the genocidal Cirno.

/bant/ will soon become the living incarnation of this machine. And EVEN /biz/ will seem "based" compared to /bant/. It is coming sooner than you think..