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ID:Yg0rhgLo No.4231351 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me a few years back
>Senior In highschool
>Had cutesy wholesome virgin blonde hair blue eyes gf
>Felt like I found myself in her, we had a LOT of common ground
>Played Vidya daily, never had sex because we weren't really into it and she was scared, but cuddled and made out all the time
>spead all of our time together
>minor Anxiety, used to calm her down all the time, warmed my heart so much
>Loved her to death, made me cry tears of joy most the time
>One day she tells me shes hanging out with a friend in a bad neighbor hood, and wants to wear a somewhat Risky outfit
>after warning her multiple times about the shit skins at our school who chew girls like her out, she does it anyway
>she gets dress coded, but ignore it
>I wait for her outside of school in the car
>2 hours pass
>go home hoping she took the bus or got a ride home
>Check my messages on my Home phone
>37 Calls from her Parents
>Parents tell me they havent seen her since she left with me for school
>Search is done for her
>week and a half later they figured out some shitskin took her, her Friend was never found
>raped and murdered
>her parents were too horrified to Identify the body
> its her, Blonde Hair and Blue eyes, no longer a virgin, multiple bruises and lacerations
>I stutter really heavy through the tears, I have never been so fucking heart broken
>Attend her funeral, all I can think about is how this is my fault, I could have helped her, I should have told her to change, even if she was mad at least she'd be alive
>all I used to do is make rounds from home, work, and her grave
>few years later
>everyone is a fucking bimbo, too scared to date
>I become pic related
>her date of death is coming up soon, and like always ill be in my shitty apartment crying

I hate myself for not protecting her, and I unironically hope I die, please anyone in a relationship stay safe, you might never have a chance to take to your loved one again